Promotional Piece for Local SF Band - Flier Design for Local San Francisco Bands-2008.

Promotional piece for local SF band. - Flyer Design for Local San Francisco bands.

Non-Profit Youth Internship Flyer

Promotional Poster Design for Flourish SF - I was not only the model for this piece, but I also had to edit the photo and design the poster! Interesting to work on a piece with your picture in it.

Promotional Flyer Design (front) for Flourish SF

New Leaf Flyer Design-Flyer 2009 - New Leaf, Non-Profit Substance Abuse Adult Program; San Francisco, CA.

New Leaf Flyer Design-Flyer 2009 - New Leaf, Non-Profit, Women's Group

New Leaf Flyer Design-Flyer 2009 - New Leaf, Non-Profit, San Francisco Youth Group

Timbuk2 Postcard Comps - This was a side project for Timbuk2.
Never produced.

My business card - My logo was a result of simple play on Ligatures.

The Bruises Flyer Design - March Show, Flyer Design

Cuav Flyer - Non-profit Flyer design

Wedding Evite

Flier Design for LISF Photo Show - This is a flier I created with my own photography for an upcoming Photo Show in June 2011.

Flier Design for LISF Photo Show - This is a flier I created with my own photography for an upcoming Photo Show in June 2011.

Benefit Flier Design - Flier Design for last minute Benefit for 4 victims of a recent Fire in San Francisco.