Gift store category identifiers (Click on the PDF icon to see the whole thing) Mobiles Isle headers
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Foundation collateral holder wall display-Vertical and horizontal versions My role: - Created the collaterals that went on the display - Design the display -Coordinated the project with the printers, vendor for production of display and delivery and installation for key campuses Software used: Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign.
Las Vegas Trade Show Trade show focuses and introduces new products My role: -Created design of the space, created graphic artwork and packaging -coordinated with fabricators on production and instruction on installation Software used: Illustrator, Photoshop
HealthGrades Promotion Objective: Promote HealthGrades. My role: - Created design for both version of banners and rotating mobiles -Coordinated with vendors -Coordinated delivery and installation of both banners (installed for several campus parking lots) and mobiles (installed on several key areas for each locations) Software used: Illustrator
Partial Stroke Research Bus Sign Description: Internal bus signs for Partial Stroke Research Objective: I wanted the photos that connects to the headline. My role: -Photo selection and color correct and masking, -layout design -coordinated and production for delivery Software used: Photoshop and InDesign for layout
Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Corina Bueno
Freelancer-Product/Food Photographer / Graphic Designer Wichita, KS