Yankees 2009-2010 Season Spot - Yankees Promo Spot on YES Network
Nike Plus - Nike Plus Music Video
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire - Rebrand the TV game show "Who wants to be a millionaire."
Life Time Movie Network Rebrand
Life Time Movie Network Rebrand
Emeril Green Show Open - Emeril Green show open on Planet Green
ESPN_U College Football
ESPN_U College Football
NFL 2008 Kick Off Spot
W Hotels
W Hotels
1968 - TV show "1968" on History Channel
DJ Vice Club Visuals
DJ Vice Club Visuals
DJ Vice Club Visuals
Extreme Sports - Storyboard for the show open
Two Worlds Spot - Title cards for the video Game "Two Worlds" TV spot
Skam Artist promo - a collaboration with united vision http://www.unitedvision.com produced by bo basic. http://www.bobasic.com/
Skam Artist promo - a collaboration with united vision http://www.unitedvision.com produced by bo basic. http://www.bobasic.com/
motion design
Cyen Design
Director / Designer New York, NY