Contrast, 2015 - The arrangement of opposite elements in an image to create visual interest. The red cap contrasts against the green grass causing visual attraction towards the cap.
Emphasis, 2015 - Developing points of interest to pull the viewers eye to important body of work. The flower in the middle emphasizes life against all the other dead flowers in the background.
Balance, 2015 - Sense of stability in the body of work. Can be created by repetition. The diamond pattern on the metal fence causes balance in the photo.
Size/Scale, 2015 - The proportional relationship between subjects on an image. The people compared to the tree look very small.
Pattern/Repetition, 2015 - An element that occurs over and over again in a composition. The chain is repeating creating a pattern.
Unity, 2015 - Visual feeling of harmony that results when all individual elements of an image come together as a whole. The tires represent unity because they're together.
Rhythm/Movement, 2015 - The use of elements of design to direct attention throughout an image sometimes occurring in a rhythmic manner. This picture represents movement because you can see the water balloon in the middle of popping.
Principles of Design

Principles of Design - The different arrangements or compositions of the elements of design to create artistic, interesting more visually powerful photographs.