Havaianas The head copy'' the summer always at your feet'' has a dual role: on one side makes a pun on the product and what it comes, the other is itself a visual of the campaign. The pun is between the concept and wants to send you the function of the product being advertised: it addresses an invitation to enjoy the summer making it his own to relive it at any time, in expressing this, reference is made to your slippers, the secret to a truly unique summer.
tilnox The communication is the product of Stilnox, a sleeping pill widespread. The head copy "like your bad" is a metaphor that suggests the possibility of a sleep pleasant and comfortable as if you were lying on his bed, after taking the sleeping pill "Stilnox". The ad depicts a 'hypothetical paradoxical situation of daily life after taking Stilnox, consumers in fact, since taking the drug, can sleep well anywhere.
Renault (Merry Christmas) The ad is meant to represent those emotions and sensations we felt as children during the Christmas period. In a hyperbolic recur the same conditions with the aim of demonstrating our love and joy of a child after the arrival of Santa Claus. For a young thirty year old is donated to the machine of his dreams like a deja vu relives the waiting, the anxiety, impatience, and finally the joy of having in his hands his machine toy.
Havaianas With an ironic and playful tone is represented wearing a funny octopus tentacle for each different pair of flip flops havaianas accompanied by the head copy "it's freakish" flashy impression that communication. Also in this case the font becomes part of the visual.
Havaianas The advertised product are the famous flip-flops that have depopulated throughout the world. The visual is a hyperbola on the feeling of freshness and well-being that comes wearing flip-flops havaianas. The tone is light to give a sense of fashion, because it is always a fashion accessory. The head copy used is "stay fresh".
Havaianas Using Batman as the face of the advertising is intended to give an air of pretentiousness to communication. The subject is wearing flip-flops "havaianas" and supports copy head that is almost a provocation against a "prejudice" against the common superheroes, distorting the usual patterns and treating the strenuous of ordinary mortals. The font is not random but in fact refers to what is the magical fantasy world of superheroes.
Stilnox Il prodotto della comunicazione è lo Stilnox, un diffusissimo sonnifero. Stilnox The communication is the product of Stilnox, a sleeping pill widespread. With more playful and ironic tone than the previous, the protagonist is an elderly gentleman who after taking Stilnox entered the world of dreams despite the discomfort of wooden benches of an old church. This campaign also makes it a good idea of how the advertised SLEEPING allows not only to sleep well anywhere but on every occasion.
Mighty Artline The product is a marker, a marker of multiple colors which the most common is black; communication plays a lot about the different uses of the article and creativity from which it derives. The head copy and the visuals are closely linked. The campaign is based on the simplicity of the object so that, by stimulating the imagination of people, becomes an important tool to make different and unique even things that seem impossible to change.
Sexy Shoppers The chain of shops hard Sexy Shoppers want to wish Merry Christmas to all its customers .. and what better way to do that than in an original way, giving them what they like: a little 'malice tone playful and friendly.
AIDS The campaign embraces the theories of a vast body of eminent scientists, Nobel Prize winners, doctors, health workers, representatives of the movements for civil rights and consumer protection that are in disagreement with the positions of medicine and healthcare industry - pharmaceutical who is profiting on fear of AIDS. More specifically here is to anticipate the release of the T20 Roche.
ATAC Print campaign for multi-subject the company to transport and urban mobility in the city of Rome.
ATAC Print campaign for multi-subject the company to transport and urban mobility in the city of Rome.
ATAC Print campaign for multi-subject the company to transport and urban mobility in the city of Rome.
ATAC Prints tactics for the company's transport and urban mobility in the city of Rome. Objective: to encourage people to participate in two events organized by Atac.
ATAC Prints tactics for the company's transport and urban mobility in the city of Rome. Objective: to encourage people to participate in two events organized by Atac.
ATAC Simulation planning advertising campaign.
Italo (the iphone train) 'S announcement, minimalist and linear, plays a fundamental role, since, due to its characteristics, sends you an idea of an innovative communication, modern, different. So communication gets out of the box, because it is a public transport service and it is rare that a service is addressed in this way. In addition, the campaign reaches the goal of perfect communication: Italian launch. As this is a throw that option is visual mysterious.
Italo (Storyboard spot_video) pt1 The spot is a scene of daily life; A young woman is the hero who rushes out of the house, gets into car direct to Tiburtina station (Rome), where rooms of Italo and you can finally relax. The man's voice, but the institutional youth in order to give the campaign a modern style, who will recite the following:
Italo (Storyboard spot_video) pt2 '' We know who you are, your pace, your needs, your irresistible urge to keep in touch with all your loved ones even when they are there with you, We know that in this' modern age where everything is within your reach nothing should disrupt your plans, We know well that the only service that can make your travel arrangements for your world. And we know that only the modern can become great overtaking'' The spot ends with the logo and its Italian pay-off.
Print / Art Direction & Copywriting