Nourish Beauté | Organic Sugar Body Scrubs - Labels are designed with an overall matte finish, while the leaf motif accents (pulled from the logo) shimmer in pastel metallic colors.
Nourish Beauté | Hair regrowth & beauty products - Produced a sub brand for products intended for men. The 'nb' logo is more masculine in comparison to the leaf logo. The hair icon, almost flame-like in appearance, is symbolic of strength, as well as the wavy lines on the left portion of the label.
Beauty Packaging

Nourish Beauté | Hair Regrowth & Skin Care Products –
Designed and produced labeling for a wide variety of 'clean beauty' products, as well as being instrumental in helping source product from domestic labs.

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Darrell Grzadziel
Senior Graphic Designer | Packaging Designer Villa Park, IL