Conformation Series


This family of conceptual stools won a jury prize at the SHOWPDX 2012 design show in Portland, Oregon.

Reclaimed, upcycled furniture that asks how to be used. Anti- production furniture? Non-prescribed uses for non-prescribed people. Objects of reclamation and exaltation. Conformist while non- conformist. Exploring the intuitive ways we naturally adapt and exploit things in our domestic environment, like how we might hang a shirt, jacket or a purse on the back of a chair... or how we lean back on its two rear legs to make it more comfortable...
An experimental series of stool like objects that beg to be used however the user feels they might be best used. They work for sitting and resting among other functions... Good wood. Warm leftovers. Sculpture.

Doug Fir beam offcuts collected from a barn raising mounted on polychromed steel frames. Dim‘s vary.
1. Farmbeam Tractor
2. Western English
3. Boogie
4. Otto Dub

Dave Laubenthal
Creative Catalyst: Sculptor; Educator; Furniture Maker; Problem Solver; Entrepreneur Portland, OR