Admiral Red has a fondness for strong potions as evidenced by the redness in his face. Fingers Finnegan is a wicked trumpet player and Lil Phillip is a timid soul who has the tendency to be quite a bit of a klutz. The conjoined twins (Hans and Lans) in the photo behind "Fingers" were virtuosos of the cello but have long since passed due to a tragic ending caused by their inability to agree to disagree.

the Repo Man - Cover for the American Spectator about a feature story involving reposession in hard times

Hidden Wrestling Moves - This is an activity illustration created for WWE, in which kids have to find various wrestling moves such as DDT, Superfly splash, Atomic Drop, etc.

Recycle a can - It's a fact!
Just one recycled aluminum can saves enough energy to run a small radio for more than ten hours.

Vampire Blackfly - Part of a series of Maine's mythical animals

Jumpin clams - Part of a series of Maine's mythical animals

Beetle Walker - It's a fact!
In Japan giant stag beetles are often sold as pets and may go for up to $30,000

the Money Well

Measure of a Moon - It's a fact!
Japan’s lunar orbiter and two satellites took 6 million measurements of the moon to create the most accurate moon map to date

Coconut Car - Illo for Scholastic about the recycling of coconut husks for car production.

Let's Get Fit!

Let's Get Fit! - Does Muscle turn to fat?

Let's Get Fit! - Is the morning really the best time to work out?

Good for your Heart

TV Watcher - Kids who watch TV while they eat, tend to eat more fat and salt and less vegetables...it's a fact!

Scouts washing jet - Illo for Boys Life Magazine

Traveling Johnsons - Funny feature about vacationing in Maine. For DownEast Magazine.

Stopping to pee. - Funny feature about vacationing in Maine. For DownEast Magazine.

Is it raining again? - Funny feature about vacationing in Maine. For DownEast Magazine.

Morning sun but then the fog rolls in. - Funny feature about vacationing in Maine. For DownEast Magazine.

Spicy as Hell - Self Promo

Tour de France - Self Promo

Pass the Salt - A ton of Atlantic Ocean water has about 31 pounds of salt, while a ton of water from the Dead Sea has 187 pounds...it.s a fact!
Guide Magazine

Mr Bee Face - Bees can recognize faces...it's a fact!
Guide Magazine

Changing of the Guard - Cover for Youth Today. It's about the lack of available professionals to fill soon to be retired CEO positions in the Non Profit Sector.

Smelly Cristmas trees - Park managers in some locations spray their pine trees with Scrooge Christmas Tree Protector, a skunk-based product that discourages Christmas tree poachers...it's a fact!
Guide Magazine

Gift of Gab - It's a fact....men and women speak an average of 16,000 words per day.

Thinking inside the box - It's a fact.....low ceilings contribute to more focused detail oriented thinking.

Burger King Cupid #1 - Ad for Burger King blending a sleazy cupid with a chicken. This was the first version.

Burger King Cupid #2 - Burger King went this one instead.

Astro tourist - for a story about a space tourist who paid millions for a chance to travel in space.

Sensing Danger - Spot illo for Scholastic

Upper Class Foreclosure - Illo for Charlotte Magazine about foreclosures hitting the upper class.

How'd they do that

How'd they do that