Dyson air purifier - This was my final sketch for my design drawing class at the Academy of Art University, Summer 2008. I had three days to design this air purifier. I chose to work with the Dyson brand out of admiration for their high standards of functional quality. I also felt that the Dyson visual language would be fun to draw.
air purifier thumbnails - some thumbnail sketches for the design of an air purifier
air purifier ideation - This was my final project for a design sketching class. I had three days to design an air purifier and chose to work with the Dyson brand out of admiration for their high standards of functional quality. I also felt that the Dyson visual language would be fun to draw.
espresso machine - a quick beauty sketch for an espresso machine concept
espresso thumbnail sketches - This is an actual 8.5x11 page of thumbnail sketches for a quick espresso machine design.
Thomas Deckert
Industrial Designer San Francisco, CA