Bumblebee, 2014. This is so Bums because he's so nosy, always looking out the window to see what's going on, but won't step foot outside unless I force him to! He's sitting on his "chair of the week", the only spot he'll sit in until he gets bored of it and adopts a new spot.
Bumblebee, 2014. When he's not lounging around downstairs, he's finding a way into my bedroom. Since he's an outdoor cat too, I don't like to let him on my bed, but he uses his big eyes of his to get what he wants, which is lying luxuriously on my comforter. He would get lost under my covers when he was a little kitten and I would just here tinny meows. He's gotten A LOT bigger since then.
Bumblebee, 2014. Here he is being a cutie-patootie, with his little pink tongue sticking out. He had just come from eating his dinner, which he takes after his mother (me) in because he LOVES to eat.
Pet Portrait

All photos were treated as such: adjusted with vibrance and saturation, a square and brown border, and a semi-transparent vignette.

My camera settings were f/3.5-5, 1/60 s, and ISO 200.