Bitch Beer is for women who like to let their hair down after a 9-5 desk job while still watching their calorie intake.
Bitch Beer's magazine ad campaign. SImple and edgy.
Elevate is a natural, caffeine-free mood boosting drink.
Rack Master's cook's kit that each guy receives in their class.
Rack Master's bar games and coasters that all lead you to the website where guys can sign up for classes or get easy grilling recipes.
Rack Master is targeted to guys who want to learn how to cook to impress girls.
Melon is a spa for mommies-to-be in affluent, suburban towns. Pampers the mothers and helps them take care of their skin while pregnant.
Kindus is a website created for Hindu children growing up in America. Gives the kids a fun way to learn about their religion while connecting with other Hindu kids around the world.
Oldies but Goodies
Devika Mehta Kallergis
Graphic Designer Highland Park, IL