Precast Culvert Tunnel - The Culvert Boxes are Huge
That is a 14 foot lader - The Culvert Boxes are Huge
Precast Culvert Tunnel - The Culvert Boxes are Huge
Precast Culvert Tunnel - The Culvert Boxes are Huge
Precast Culvert Tunnel - The Culvert Boxes are Huge
Precast Culvert Tunnel - The Culvert Boxes are Huge
Precast Culvert Tunnel - The Culvert Boxes are Huge
stuff piled in the yard
I can fit My Bronco in there
The Boxes wore out the crain
USF rings
Reinforcing wire looks cool sometimes
Now that's pretty organized
Cool looking mess, but a Problem to Solve
Hanson Pipe & Precast
Steven Jackson
Industrial Designer / Engineer Columbus, GA