Apparel designs - Created for Billabong portfolio submission.
Slowriders Bike Club logo redesign - An updated look for the logo and club's mascot, an evil turtle with wings.
CD design - Complete CD design for Dave Foster, a local musician in the bay area.
Posters and Handouts - (left) A poster for short film " Deacon's Mondays". (right top) Postcards for Point Loma Nazarene Univ. (right botom) Postcards for film screenings.
Designed and illustrated my own invitations.
Freelance work for one of Safeway's campaigns. Contributed to layout and creative production.
"Drakmar: A Vassal's Journey" site design - Designed look and layout of site. Created title design. Hand-coded HTML.
Various Work
David Fernandez
Graphic designer Concord, CA