NEA - Floorplan

NEA - Section

NEA - Section

NEA - Reception Corridor

NEA - Breakout Room

NEA - Breakout Wall Concept

NEA - Conference Room

NEA - Conference Room

NEA - Conference Room

Emirates Airlines

Emirates Airlines

Emirates Airlines

Emirates Airlines

Emirates Airlines

Emirates Airlines

Emirates Airlines

Emirates Airlines

Entertainment Center - Hand drafting

Bathroom Faucet - Large reflection study of a bathroom faucet focusing on the values of a reflective material.

Wall Sconce

Risom Rocking Chair - A quick sketch of Risom's rocking chair with an overlay line weight in a micron pen.

Bathroom Faucet - Color study of a faucet studing the qualities of light within different reflective materials.

Chair Study - Study of a chair - colored pencils and pastels on canson paper.

New York Cabin - This project was designed as an introduction into finish model building. The objective was to take a preexisting set of plans and transform that data into a three-dimensional scaled model structure.
*The material selection of the exterior were not predetermined by the architect.