Thinc Pass - creating incentives for members to want to return to a coworking office require qualitative research into what they want and need. This free day pass allows no-members the chance to experience the co-working community.
Pricing Plans - Developing a more flexible pricing plan allows members and non-members alike to experience this co-working experience how they can best utilize it.
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The Living Wall - The living wall is a space within the coworking environment which allows members to interact with the community. Through personal photos, interesting flyers, and creative articles, people share a communal thought board.
thincSavannah User Lifecycle - Borrowed from the Akendi model, this lifecycle represents the most significant aspects of the overall experience. Each piece of the lifecycle fits within a member and pre-purchase experience.
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Lifecycle Map - This lifecycle map shows the positive and negative aspects of each touchpoint throughout the user's journey. Understanding the negatives are just as important as promoting the positive.
Attribute Scale - This scale represents each individual member on ten different scales based on the research that went into this project. Each member is represented once per scale and effectively maps out clusters of preferences. These preferences allow for better design of member touchpoints.
Member Personas - Personas were used to accurately depict the types of members who would be attracted to co-working. The personas are fine tuned to the people, lifestyles, and culture of the downtown Savannah, GA area in which thincSavannah operates.
Andrew Sedlak
Service Designer Savannah, GA