Comix - Misantroph Zine #0 pg1
Comix - Misantroph Zine #0 pg3
Comix - World of Mutants - underground comix, retarded mutants, black & white
Comix - World of Mutants pg6 - underground comix, retarded mutants, black & white
Comix - World of Mutants pg9 - underground comix, retarded mutants, black & white
Comix - World of Mutants pg11 - underground comix, retarded mutants, black & white
Comix - World of Mutants pg14 - underground comix, retarded mutants, black & white
Comix - World of Mutants pg19 - underground comix, retarded mutants, black & white
Comix - World of Mutants pg27 - underground comix, retarded mutants, black & white
Comix - Misantroph Zine #1 pg1
Comix - Misantroph Zine #1 pg3
Comix - Misantroph Zine #1 pg5
Comix - Misantroph Zine #1 pg6
Comix - Misantroph Zine #1 pg9
Modeli Tela
dr Gnoj
suicide city, Yugoslavia