Little Fish Protector

What is it?
By-catch refers to unwanted fish and other sea animals caught in fishing net along with the desired kind of fish, including the juvenile fish and other species. In today's society, by-catching has been a worldwide problem and exerted considerable influence on the development of fishery industry and ecological balance of ocean.

“Little Fish Protector” is a product targeted at solving the problem of by-catch. It uses sound waves to herd non-target fish schools and small fish so as to achieve the function of reducing excessive fishing and maintaining the ecological balance of ocean. Nowadays, by-catching has become a worldwide fishery problem, producing strong effect on the development of fishery industry. We hope that this design can help to lessen the ecological impact resulting from by-catch and maintain the ecological balance of oceans in the world.

Du JiaChen
Industrial Design ,Product Design 广州, China