My biggest model making challenge so far four pots four lids and one siv/ colander that all fit within each other (like those Russian dolls) Storage purposes ALL LASER CUT PROFILES
My biggest model making challenge so far four pots four lids and one siv/ collinder that all fit within each other (like those Russian dolls) Storage perposes ALL LASER CUT PROFILES
My biggest model making challenge so far four pots four lids and one siv/ collinder that all fit within each other (like those Russian dolls) Storage perposes ALL LASER CUT PROFILES
My biggest model making challenge so far four pots four lids and one siv/ collinder that all fit within each other (like those Russian dolls) Storage perposes ALL LASER CUT PROFILES
My biggest model making challenge so far four pots four lids and one siv/ collinder that all fit within each other (like those Russian dolls) Storage perposes ALL LASER CUT PROFILES
My biggest model making challenge so far four pots four lids and one siv/ collinder that all fit within each other (like those Russian dolls) Storage perposes ALL LASER CUT PROFILES
My biggest model making challenge so far four pots four lids and one siv/ collinder that all fit within each other (like those Russian dolls) Storage perposes ALL LASER CUT PROFILES
Model Making Major

Model making for final year project

Paul Cosgrave
Designer/Maker/Consumer Wellington, New Zealand