The Great Horse Race! - A frenetic & chaotic horse race as a metaphor for the struggle that businesses face in finding new funding, investors & their niche.
Bullfighting & Quiver Book Reviews - As a general rule, I love working on book reviews, & these 3 were no exception. Reviews often allow for a great amount of freedom & conceptual play (much like covers), which is a treat. These two are "Quiver" by Holly Luhning (girl with flower) & "Bullfighting" by Roddy Doyle (minotaur). These illustration have easily turned out to be some of my favourites of the year!
Hell is Author Readings - The cover story for Globe Books, the author covers the often hellishly boring experience that can be an author reading. So, baring that in mind, I went with a combination of a hell-scape of old, inspired by the writing forms of the Sistine Chapel, Picasso's 'Guernica', & various other oldies but goodies.
Illustration Top Picks - A feature cover article discussing the many positives that beavers bring to various environments. From cleaning water to increasing fish populations, our national mascot has much to offer. The final 6 illustrations were part of a front-page feature that was really fun to do, with many thanks to David Woodside at the Globe & Mail for allowing me to go a bit bananas on the drawings & accidentally inspiring the crazy colours. They make some nice prints too!
Illustration Top Picks - Here are a few of my favourite/best illustrations, many of which are award winning.
Illustration Top Picks - Here are a few of my favourite/best illustrations, many of which are award winning.
Illustration Top Picks - Here are a few of my favourite/best illustrations, many of which are award winning.
Dushan Milic
Illustrator & Designer Toronto, ON