Since both of us are proud Puerto Ricans, we decided to customize our paperweight with a Coquí. This little frog is endemic to Puerto Rico. Our chosen design is a representation of how the native Puerto Rican "Tainos" used to draw them.
An aluminum block was shaped into our paperweight design using a CNC Lathe. A CNC Mill was later used to engrave the design of the Coqui onto the paperweight.
Finalized Coquí paperweight.
Coqui Paperweight

[Teams of 2] My partner and I were assigned to design a custom paperweight. We used CAD and CAM to later machine our product with a CNC Lathe and Mill. Two paperweights were produced, one for each of us.

*Project for MIT 2.008 course, Design and Manufacturing II (Fall 2012)

Eric Crespo-Lezama
Studied at Massachusetts Institute of Technology New York, NY