Flyer's - Several Flyer's for party's. social events. And even a restaurant.
MY NEW LOGO - I went with the darker side instead of my regular blue outtake. changing the center from an "S" to an "E" was a personnal choice. Hence the Name from "Sketchillusionz" to "ELLusionz Dezine's"
Business Cards - several Business cards for several business's.
Mtg Recordz - A up and rising record company. They asked for a re-design on there logo. After that, they came back for more.
CD Inserts - Every Music Artist wants there voice to be heard. And I want my Skills to be noticed. Do I sense an alliance?.
Logos - A good Logo Is The first Step to Showing a company’s Creativity. A Good Company Deserves A Good Logo
Michael Ford
My Perception.........Your Reality New York, NY