Early annotated wireframe of 3M Pulse website, designed to be a management tool with social features. Click the magnifying glass to see the full pdf!
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Redesign of 3M Pulse dashboard page, featuring custom hero images and infographics.
UI concept for 3M ESPE Procedural Restorative Pathways. After major elements and color palette were agreed upon within our design group and ESPE, I created several concepts exploring look and feel.
Another UI concept for 3M ESPE Procedural Restorative Pathways. After major elements and color palette were agreed upon within our design group and ESPE, I created several concepts exploring look and feel.
Another UI concept for 3M ESPE Procedural Restorative Pathways. After major elements and color palette were agreed upon within our design group and ESPE, I created several concepts exploring look and feel.
Final website of ESPE Procedural Restorative Pathways. After more conceptual iterations, the group and I settled on a digital magazine style of web app. Website: http://directsolutions.3m.com
UI concept and layout guide for 3M sterilizer troubleshooting iPad app. Designed to be easily navigated with emphasized nav elements and minimal, straightforward instructions.
Final design for 3M sterilizer troubleshooting iPad app. White styling deemed more friendly to viewer's eyes.
Promotional image for business of 3M sterilizer troubleshooting iPad app.
UI concept for 3M gas leak android app.
UI proposal wireframe for Starcraft 2 computer game (a personal project). I created an interactive PDF to better demonstrate the application of the interface I was suggesting. For best experience download (??) and view as a single page in a pdf viewer (in-browser scrolling can impact the effect).
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UI/Web Design

A collection of projects where I created wireframes, concepts, designs and graphics for user interfaces for desktop, tablet and mobile.

Edward Heyl
Animator, Illustrator Minneapolis, MN