Verifi Bed Bug Detector

FMC approached the team with a problem to solve; They needed a faster, cheaper way to detect rapidly growing bed bug infestations. We collaborated to design the Verifi bed bug detector, which is an innovative, simple device that allows pest management professionals to easily detect the presence of bed bugs. The system incorporates bed bug behavioral research to create the exact mix of pheromones, kairomones, and CO2 that make the detector irresistible to bed bugs. The system was also designed for easy activation and replacement of chemical pods so that the pest management professionals could service more rooms in less time. The Verifi bed bug detector was a hit when first introduced, and it continues to be a successful device for pest management professionals.

For this project, I was involved in preliminary product research, leading the brainstorming and ideation process, industrial design, concept generation, sketching, and user interface.

Patented Design (US20120110894A1)

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Freelance, Full-time
Erica Knight
Design and Merchandising Atlanta, GA