
What challenges are involved with creating a class portfolio? For the University of Connecticut's 2016 Graphic Design program was applying for their annual trip to Central Saint Martins and needed a way to deliver the portfolios of sixteen students, in a way that is easy for the assessors to read, but can still showcase the individuals' styles.

My group and I designed this book and concepted it as I AM / WE ARE. This idea spoke to the multiple identities of the students, while showcasing the group as a whole. Students supplied a thirty-second self-portrait as a way to help identify the student to his or her work. The cover was screen printed to allow a semi-opaque cover which hinted to the idea of peaking into the students' design process.

This project involved curating work, editing copy, layout design, and pre-pressing files.

Group members included: Bria Caso, Franklin Canales, Jocelyn Lau, Emily Makarainen, and Olivia Taylor.

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Erika Back
Student Mansfield, CT