The Cover Reveals

The cover of Lolita has always been a difficult design challenge. How can you properly showcase the book in a way that gives the content the respect it deserves?

My take on Lolita, is that I did not want to succumb to showing sex, as the novel itself rarely discusses it in great depth. I took a more psychological approach to the book. I was fascinated by the mindset of the characters, and how I felt that there was no sole innocent or "good" character. Though Dolores' story is tragic, she still has her own way of manipulating the characters. With this in mind, my covers focus on the revealing nature the reader discovers. These covers have a tendency to be metaphorical, as representations of Dolores and Humbert's relationship.

I wanted these covers to be unique to holding a physical book - focusing on how holding an object is different than looking at it on a Kindle. Therefore, these covers all have a physical aspect.

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Erika Back
Student Mansfield, CT