21 - The World Based on the Morpho Butterfly Represents Completion, Accomplishment, Wholeness, and Celebration of Life Reversed: Incomplete, Lack of Closure, Something Missing in Life, Loss of Focus
20 - Judgement Based on the Sylphina Angel Butterfly Represents Rebirth, Inner Calling, Absolution, and New Phases Reversed: Self-Loathing, Regrets, Self-Doubt, and Refusal of Self-Evaluation
19 - The Sun Based on the Giant Swallowtail Butterfly Represents Positivity, Clarity, Happiness, and Success Reversed: Depression, Failure, Negativity, and Pessimism
18 - The Moon Based on the Luna Moth Represents Illusions, Dreams, Insecurity, and the Subconscious Reversed: Confusion, Release of Fear, Misinterpretation, and Paranoia
17 - The Star Based on the Starry Night Cracker Butterfly Represents Hope, Spirituality, Guidance, and Inspiration Reversed: Lack of Faith, Despair, Discouragement, and Negative Thoughts
16 - The Tower Based on the Australian Painted Lady Butterfly Represents Collapse of Stability, Sudden Disaster, Upheaval, and Revelation Reversed: Avoidance of Disaster, Control, Fear of Change, and Avoiding Suffering
16 - The Devil Based on the Death's Head Moth Represents Destructive Patterns, Addiction, Excessive Behavior, and Materialism Reversed: Breaking Free, Detachment, Release, and Restoring Control
14 - Temperance Based on the Pink Glasswing Butterfly Represents Balance, Patience, Moderation, and the Middle Path Reversed: Impatience, Lack of Balance, Extremes, and Lack of Long-Term Vision
13 - Death Based on the Funeral Duskywing Butterfly Represents Endings & Beginnings, Change, Transformation, and Transition Reversed: Resistance to Change, Limbo, Holding On, and Fear
12 - The Hanged Man Based on the Red Cracker Butterfly Represents Enlightenment, New Perspective, Willing Sacrifice, and Surrender Reversed: Stubbornness, Stalling, Needless Sacrifice, and Indecision
11 - Justice Based on the Peacock Butterfly Represents Fairness, Equality, Balance, and Lessons Learned Reversed: Lack of Accountability, Unfairness, Lies, and Taking Responsibility
10 - The Wheel of Fortune Based on the Blue Pansy Butterfly Represents Changes, Ups and Downs, Karma, and Destiny Reversed: Helplessness, Bad Luck, Poor Decisions, and Stagnation
9 - The Hermit Based on the Grey Hairstreak Butterfly Represents Meditation, Solitude, Seeking Inner Truth, and Soul-Searching Reversed: Loneliness, Isolation, Withdrawal, and Struggles with Spirituality
8 - Strength Based on the Orange Heliconian Butterfly Represents Courage, Bravery, Inner Strength, and Compassion Reversed: Fear, Self-Doubt, Lack of Self-Discipline, and Weakness
7 - The Chariot Based on the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly Represents Progress, Movement, Self-Control, and Determination Reversed: Defeat, Lack of Direction, Loss of Control, Loss of Confidence
6 - The Lovers Based on the Pink Elephant Hawk Moth Represents Passion, Choice, Relationships, and Trust in Others Reversed: Separation, Disharmony, Inner Conflict, and Avoiding Responsibility
5 - The Hierophant Based on the Great Orange Tip Butterfly Represents Traditions, Righteousness, Morality, and the Pursuit of Knowledge Reversed: Hypocrisy, Rebellion, Peer Pressure, and Questioning Tradition
4 - The Emperor Based on the Red Admiral Butterfly Represents Authority, Structure, Stability, and Masculinity Reversed: Domination, Excessive Control, Chaos, Abuse of Power
3 - The Empress Based on the Monarch Butterfly Represents Femininity, Nurturing, Mother Figures, and Nature Reversed: Creative Blocks, Neglect, Discontentment, Indecisiveness
2 - The High Priestess Based on the Pale Beauty Moth Represents Divine Wisdom, Mystery, Intuition, and Listening to the Inner Voice Reversed: Need for Reflection, Repressed Inner Voice, Hidden Agendas, and Loss of Focus
1 - The Magician Based on the Red Spotted Purple Butterfly Represents Power, Resourcefulness, Wisdom, and Good Omens Reversed: Poor Planning, Manipulation, Lies, and Trickery
0 - The Fool Based on the Janetta Forester Butterfly Represents New Beginnings, Spontaneity, Optimism, and Faith in the Universe Reversed: Challenges, Risk-Taking, Uncertainty, and Insecurity
The Butterfly Effect - Major Arcana

The Butterfly Effect Tarot Deck is a deck about femininity in a variety of forms. It’s about being comfortable in your skin, about being able to be whoever you want to be. This deck is an expression of what’s most important to me - to showcase women as they are, no matter the shape, size, or color. It is my hope that through the mysticism of the Tarot, this deck will cause a literal butterfly effect - one that will resonate positivity, love, and hope to women everywhere.

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Freelance, Full-time
Eva Duplan
Freelance Fashion Illustrator and Event Sketch Artist Austin, TX