Primary sketches - Promotional bottle for the whiskey brand Jack Daniel's, which renewed its collection each year. Work done for Extreme Design in collaboration with Regis Menanteau. Released in stores
Proposals - Promotional bottle for the whiskey brand Jack Daniel's, which renewed its collection each year. Work done for Extreme Design in collaboration with Regis Menanteau.
Final product - Promotional bottle for the whiskey brand Jack Daniel's, which renewed its collection each year. Work done for Extreme Design in collaboration with Regis Menanteau.
Jack Daniel's 2009

Emballage promotionnel pour la marque Jack Daniel’s à l’occasion de la fête des pères 2009. Boîte métallique ajourée de manière à rappeler les micros emblématiques du Rock’n Roll. Peinture noire mate et mise en valeur des détails par embossage ou apposition de vernis sélectif.

Fabien Vesseron
Industrial designer looking for an opportunity Montreal, Canada