HackFwd - What was the challenge? Internet icon, Lars Hinrichs, wanted to help European developers and coders launch their own game-changing companies. What was the solution? An early-stage investment company designed to fuel tech innovation in Europe. IDEO designed the company, the services, the structure & positions and the communication material. My involvement of the project was mostly to support the communication work. Project Link: http://www.ideo.com/work/hackfwd Website: http://hackfwd.com/
Dynamic Logo - This is the final iteration of the logo. To communicate the values of coding and prototyping I created a Processing script to generate hundreds of variations of the logo and the initial dynamic version of it. The particles represent the many startups that we hope this initiative will boost in Europe.
Communication Video - I was part of the team that designed and produced HackFwd's main communication piece. Watch now here: http://hackfwd.com/ (left side rectangle where it says PLAY VIDEO)
Fabricio Dore
Interaction Designer São Paulo, Brazil