Cloud 9 - Waiting hours for flights in an airport terminal can be long and tedious. "Cloud 9" is a couch that allows travellers to rest/sleep/read etc. in this situation. By storing the travellers luggage underneath the seat, and pushing the leg rest in, the travellers luggage is secured, and the couch is transformed into a bed for safe resting.
Number Two - Human waste is a problem in the backcountry. Natural processes are not effectively breaking down fecal waste quickly enough to stop it's build up. Spread of disease and aesthetic fouling of the landscape are widespread. "Number Two" is a portable human waste disposal unit that overcomes the above problem by allowing the user to effectively "pack out" their waste and empty it into appropriate disposal areas such as long drops.
Ambience - Atmospheric Theatre - "Ambience" allows the projection of images onto walls, and onto the ceiling while watching home entertainment devices. The viewer is surrounded by projected images, submerging them in a complete atmospheric show. This model was produced using 3D CAD.
Ambience - Form Studies - Here are some foam model form studies that were produced in the development of the "Ambience - Atmospheric Theatre" project. In the backgroud are a few quick sketches that were made.
Steve Reese
Wellington, New Zealand