Kentucky Wine - Coded a custom Wordpress theme for Kentucky
Bellewood - Coded a custom Wordpress theme for Bellewood
Century Beauty Webstore - XHTML/CSS coding for Century Beauty
Heimerdinger Cutlery
A Thorough Fare
Montgomery County Tennis Association
The WordShop Inc. - Coding & design assistance for - a local copywriting service
SOBM Legal - Coded site design for SOBM Legal in Louisville, KY.
Little Brownie Bakers - Landing Page for Little Brownie Baker's girl scout cookie campaign
Vivid Impact Group - Coded up this site in early 2010 from a PSD that was provided to me. Wordpress backend. - Frontend coding of the design I created for and setup/customization of OpenCart e-commerce software.
Baptist Milestone - Finishing up a bit of work for the Baptist Milestone site including Javascript/AJAX functionality for the class schedules, PHP for the personal trainers section, and HTML/CSS throughout.
Baptist Milestone - Finishing up a bit of work for the Baptist Milestone site including Javascript/AJAX functionality for the class schedules, PHP for the personal trainers section, and HTML/CSS throughout.
Baptist Milestone - Finishing up a bit of work for the Baptist Milestone site including Javascript/AJAX functionality for the class schedules, PHP for the personal trainers section, and HTML/CSS throughout.

Coding projects, mostly HTML/CSS/JS, with a bit of PHP/MySQL mixed in.

Bryan Volz
Print & Web Design Louisville, KY