Real Size Mock Up
Real Size Mock Up
Real Size Mock Up
Real Size Mock Up
Real Size Mock Up
Real Size Mock Up

The cities are suffering from the increasing number of cars, which pollute the environment . The demand for the subway is growing , although the cost of construction of underground roads is very high and demands a long time.

A mass public transport vehicle operating with magnetic levitation of superconductors, which travels on elevated track, not interfering with the traffic flow of large cities with clean operation, no noise and with great reliability and modular, allowing for expansion easily to meet demand fluctuations.

The Meissner effect occurs when a superconductor is cooled to -200 degrees Celcius (-300F) using liquid nitrogen. The Superconductor Levite without any other action. The Maglev Cobra started from a simple question: What if we paste a train over a big superconductors?

Portifolium Design, National Instutute of Technology and Universidade Federal of Rio de Janeiro
Maglev Cobra Design Team
Rubem Floriani
Philipe Kling David
Thiago L. Toledo
Expedito Kneipp

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Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Rubem Floriani
Rubem Floriani Rio de Janeiro, Brazil