Composite rendering based on LinkedIn New York offices. Processed in Veras release 1.5.2 engine 5.
Composite rendering based on LinkedIn New York offices. Processed in Veras release 1.5.2 engine 5. More defined ceiling from previous release in which ceiling lines showed up better in preview pane.
Raw image processed in engine 5
Raw image processed in 1.6.0 engine 6. Ceiling lines more developed using engine 6.
SketchUp image
LinkedIn New York - Veras and SketchUp

LinkedIn Headquarters, New York, designed by M Moser Associates. Composite rendering processed in release 1.5.2 engine 5. It was difficult to get the front table to turn yellow, and Veras had a difficult time with two colors on the modular sofa; I left the table as is and provided a layer for the left lilac-color sectional and pillow. Love the flooring. I also provided a raw, untouched image of the scene, processed in newest release engine , which is lively. The ceiling would need to be resolved in this image.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
fmh design
Commercial Interior Designer & Renderer San Diego, CA