UI for Digital Music Player - Information architecture, Interface design and User Testing for a wifi music player platform. For full case study visit: http://www.frontend.com/featured-case-studies/bridgeco-digital-music-player-interface.html
Out of Box Experience Design - OOBE design and complete set of guidelines for D-Link international. For full case study visit: http://www.frontend.com/featured-case-studies/dlink-out-of-box-experience.html
Simplified application form for AIB Bank - Complete system analysis - including user interviews and business analysis of the existing form. The redesigned form improved efficiency by 67%. Full case study at www.frontend.com
Large Format Printers for HP - Ergonomics, interaction design and complete out of box experience for HP Large Format Printers. Full case study at http://www.frontend.com
Frank Long
Director Anywhere - Europe/US - currently based in Dublin, Ireland