Bike 1 - 11" x 11" Three color screen print design.
Bike 2 - 11" x 17" Four color screen print design with one split fountain.
Bike 3 - 11" x 14" Four color scree print design.
Laura of the Dead - 11" x 17" Four color screen print design.
Amy Pond 2 - 11" x 17" Five color screen print design based on the BBC's series "Doctor Who."
Cory - Get You Some - 8.5" x 14" Two color screen print design with halftones.
Halftones& Halftones& Halftones& Halftones& - 11" x 17" Four color screen print design with halftones in every screen. Created from three photos.
Muse Attacks - 8" x 10" Three color scree print design.
Ronnie - Get You Some - 8.5" x 14" Two color screen print design with halftones.
Dan - Get You Some - 8.5" x 14" Two color screen print design with halftones.
Daniel - Get You Some - 8.5" x 14" Two color screen print design with halftones.
Self Portrait - 12" x 36" Sharpie on butcher paper, vectorized and recolored to a three color screen print design.
Asleep Under Next Weeks News - 11" x 17" Four color screen print design.
Auntie's Little Monster - 17" x 11" Four color screen print design with three split fountains and one spot color.
Oh you...! - 8.5" x 14" Four color screen print design.
Abstract Portraiture

Abstract portraiture.

Fresh Prints
Graphic Designer and Flatstock Printer Paducah, KY