Virginia Living - Opening spread for story on canning.
Virginia Living - Alternate layout for stoy on canning.
Bloomberg Markets - Opening spread for a story on a businessman in Egypt building a canal for shipping goods to Somalia.
Newsweek - The opening spread for a Davos Economic Summit cover story about the world economy. I commissioned Terry Allen to do a series of illustration.
BusinessWeek - A spread for a cover story about how English is the accepted language for business in Europe. Illustration by Ross MacDonald.
BusinessWeek - An spread for a special report on the impact of wireless communication on the phone companies. I commissioned Christoph Neimann for th eillustration.
BusinessWeek - A spread on the business of Nike and the world Cup. Photo illustration by Stephen Webster.
BusinessWeek - Section lead spread on the effects of deflation on the Japanese
BusinessWeek - A spread on financial problems facing the country after the summer. This was put together in a few hours, including an overnight illustration by Glynis Sweeny.
Newsweek - Opening spread for a cover story about the 50th anniversary of the Chinese revolution. The spread is read vertically.
Newsweek - An opening spread on the G8 summit and the challenges it faced. I came up with the illustration concept.
Nj Magazine - An opening spread for a story about women's rugby.
Nj Magazine - The opening spread on the cover story about the vanishing farms in New Jersey. I also took the photograph.
Nj Magazine - Spread that was part a winter special report.
Soul Expressions - Opening spread for a cover story on Tony Morrison. I developed and implemented the design for this new publication.
Editorial Design
Gary Falkenstern
Art Direction Wappingers Falls, NY