Fabric-fossils...life in stoneware - combining fabrics and delicate crochet with stoneware... 'Fabric fossils' is an innovative collection of delicate tableware...where a fabric construction technique like crochet... is taken to another level... as it becomes source for creating beautiful, almost alive textures and organic surfaces to ceramics... an all new dimension!!! copyright@gauri pandey/tossa/2010
Potpourri bowls - soft and refreshing... the delicate potpourri bowls in both soft and hard materials, can add uncomplicated, organic beauty to any tabletop surface... copyright@gauri pandey/tossa/2010
Picnic platters - a fine collection of hand-crafted, Eco-friendly platters and bowls... the collection is a refreshing alternative to the usual, boring, white plastic and aluminium foil coated disposable plates and bowl...can add a lot of style and class to an evening get-together or even a family picnic... copyright@gauri pandey/tossa/2010
Colors of Kutch - a set of hand-crafted table-top containers in fine leather... rich vibrant colors with delicate edge embroidery in contrasting colors to maintain aesthetics and enhance the bold look. copyright@gauri pandey/tossa/2010
Gauri Pandey
About me New Delhi, India