Self Portrait Collage

From time to time I will do random projects that come to my mind that I believe can sharpen my skills. This is one of those. It began with a 5"x7" photograph of myself. Using a ruler I gridded the physical picture into 1/4" squares. Then I gridded a large sheet of paper using 1" squares. Using the now gridded 5"x7" photo I had a guide to transfer my image onto a larger medium by hand-drawing it. When this was complete, I wanted to do another version with a "pop art" feel. To do this, I took a picture with an iPad of the 5"x7" gridded photo. I then saturated it until I felt it created crisp enough lines of my features shadow. Next, I taped a piece of 5"x7" vellum to the iPad screen and followed the lines of the underneath image. That vellum was then gridded into 1/4" squares and transferred to a larger medium using 1" squares. A new idea! Take a picture of that new drawing, and use the pen tool to follow it in illustrator. Lastly, manipulate the shapes/layers to reveal a collage.

Gentri Jordan
Creative Consultant & Designer ► 3D & Graphic Los Angeles, CA