First Impressions of Florence - Black & white film photographs taken with my 1972 Minolta in Florence, Italy
First Impressions of Florence - Black & white film photographs taken with my 1972 Minolta in Florence, Italy
First Impressions of Florence - Black & white film photographs taken on my 1970s X-700 Minolta in Florence, Italy
First Impressions of Florence - Black & white film photographs taken on my 1970s X-700 Minolta in Florence, Italy
First Impressions of Florence - Black & white film photography taken on my 1970s X-700 Minolta in Florence, Italy
Double Exposure - Black & White film taken in and around Florence, Italy
Double Exposure - Black & White film taken in and around Florence, Italy.
Double Exposure - Black & White film photography.
Double Exposure - Black & White film photography.
Double Exposure - Black & white film photography.
Double Exposure - Black & white film photography.
Double Exposure - Black & white film photography.
Water at Night
Water at Night - black & white film taken without a flash with 1600 film
Water at Night
Black & White Film Photography
Georgia Steenberge
Graphic Design Sandpoint, ID