Illustration Illustration from Gerimi Burleigh Illustration Promotional and client illustrations. Fantasy, horror, and science fiction. Red Velvet Lines - Promotional piece Death Angel - Promotional piece Wound - Promotional piece Zombies of the World - Promotional piece Federal Gag Order - Promotional piece Gear Girl - Promotional piece Night Nurse - Promotional piece Eyris - Promotional piece Bruised - Promotional piece Queen of the Harpies - Promotional piece Rapture Rumble - Promotional piece Happy Father's Day - Promotional piece Ambush - Promotional piece Character Designs - Client: SnapTV Games Roboy - Promotional piece gLike Illustration Promotional and client illustrations. Fantasy, horror, and science fiction. Illustrator Illustration Share R 7 n Available Freelance, Moonlighting Gerimi Burleigh Art Director / Senior Product & Packaging Designer / Illustrator Los Angeles, CA Follow Contact