Wen Table

This table was also designed by using Chinese Character Graphics as inspiration. I really enjoy the structure between the Chinese Character and furniture. And also some characters have the interesting shapes and already have some meaning in my mind. That is about our culture, the method of thinking, even the value of the life.

This time I chose the Character,“?”[wen] which literally can be translated to “Character”. This meaning is one reason why I choose it,however, this word can also be used in describing civilization, culture, and literature or art areas.Actually, this multiple meaning word is hard to explain in Chinese or to transfer to English.
With these meanings of ?, the symbolization of aesthetic and culture, Golden Rectangles is used in my piece this time.The length of legs and the positions of joints fit this classic aesthetic theory.And also in this design, I make the table height adjustable to two different levels.

Ge Yang -...
Furniture Designer and Woodworker New York, NY