Check Rates and Reservation: Expand/Collapse Map, Brand and Amenity Check Boxes, Select/Deselect all brands, Suppress unavailable brands, Prominent Rate Display, Improved Calendar.
Rooms & Rates: Modify Search Widget, Hotel Overview, View Photos, Step Markers, Rates within Room Type, Expand/Collapse Rate Details & Policies, View Total Cost Including Taxes and Fees, Prominent Book Now Button, Calendar Display of stay
Stay Details: Step Markers, Dynamic Rewards Enrollment within page, Special Requests, Summary of Stay with Calendar view, Total Estimated Cost including taxes and fees, ability to edit Room or Rate options from this page.
Payment Information: Long form consolidates all information on one page. Estimated Total Cost including Taxes and Fees, and ability to edit stay details from this page.
Wyndham Resorts

Wyndham Resorts needed to streamline the booking path and provide clear navigation steps in the funnel. We provided inline maps, brand and amenity selection in search widget, ability to suppress unavailable brands, display alternative brands when no hotels matched search criteria, more prominent rates display, added a way finder in the booking path, ability to expand or collapse rate details, Summary of Stay with total cost including estimated taxes and fees, Rewards Auto Enrollment within the booking path, Special requests, ability to Edit Rooms & Rates on this page, Ability to Join Rewards with Guest Info. Member Login to display stored Guest Information on the this page.

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Gaye McVeigh
eCommerce Site Design, Optimization and User Experience Morristown, NJ