Self-portrait, Layerd with Heads - 13.5”x10” Pencil drawing
Self- portrait, Layered with Skulls - 15”x22” Pencil Drawing
Layered Hands - 15”x22” Multi-media(Pencil,Charcoal,Pen&Ink, Water Color, Tape)
My Room in Manhattan - 20”x15” Multi-media(Pencil,ColorPencil, Pen&Ink, Water Color)
Statue of Liberty on the Street - 20”x16” Pencil Drawing
Time Squate - 20.5”x 13.5” Multi-Media(Pen&ink,WaterColor, Marker, Gouache, Image Collage)
34th st. - 16”x20” Pencil Drawing
Diamond - 13.5”x10” Pencil Drawing
Memories of G.M - 30”x22” Multi-media (Pencil, Watercolor, Tape)
No more DELIGHT - 30”x22” Charcoal
Refreshing - 19”x24” Multi-media Collage
InKi Kim
Territory Manager / Designer NJ