Problem: Help undergraduate students understand their career outlook after school Solution: Create a mobile app that send students a job a day Final prototype link is to the right. Click "view website"
We conducted competitive product analysis and an expert interview with UW student services. My role: Interviewer and note-taker
These are the 3 persona's developed for our Project My role: design and research
Ideation. Using all of our research data, we thought up 60 solutions. We threw them on the wall and voted in stages until we were down to three. We based our final design on those ideas.
We did rapid prototyping and conducted user testing on 5 undergraduate students. My role: Designer and moderator
Users are able to swipe left to view archived careers. My role: design with Photoshop & prototyping with InVision View the live prototype via the link to the right of the page titled "view website"
UX - Career Explore

Our iOS mobile application was designed to help inform students of possible career opportunities. Our team wanted to bridge the gap between interdisciplinary studies and existing careers as we've all had experience choosing Bachelor degree's in something we love but with limited career outlook. There were only three of us, so we all played versatile roles in the project from start to finish, however, my role was primarily team lead and designer.

View Website
Gregory Bauwens
UX Designer | Product Designer Seattle, WA