Our team met with HTC Seattle to discuss what they wanted our usability testing goals to be.
In order to fully understand the user flow between the application and the hardware, we created an interaction map (user flow diagram) to visualize all the possible actions a user could take. Above, we are using the white board and sticky notes to show the flow. After many iterations, we nailed it. My role: Designer
Above is the finished interaction map as presented to our client.
We conducted a field study with seven participants on the University of Washington campus. The participants were given two scenarios and a series a tasks for using the RE camera with and without the iOS app.
To generate themes and consolidate our findings, we created an affinity diagram. We worked for hours moving sticky notes into new categories and discussing the results.
Suggestion 1: Media Library One place where our users struggled was in looking back and sharing the pictures when the RE is not connected to the phone. They were frustrated by not being able to share the pictures. From this feedback, one of the suggestion is to show the RE photos and videos as a part of the global phone library. This will allow the users to look back at the media even when the RE is not connected. Also, it will keep all the photos and videos with them at all times. We also made a couple suggestions regarding the RE hardware.
Suggestion 2 : Icons One error our users made was using the camera icon in the bottom tab thinking it will take them to clicking pictures. Since the icon to take pictures and view pictures is similar, it confuses the user. The suggestion here is to use the picture gallery icon instead of the camera icon to differentiate it from the camera button. Another issue which our users had was in understanding the icons on the viewfinder page. They found the time lapse icon wasn't intuitive. One of our users confused it for self timer. Our suggestion here is to improve the visual design of these icons to make them more intuitive. Even using the default icons from iOS would make it more easier to understand.
UX - HTC RE Camera + App

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usability of the HTC RE camera and the corresponding iPhone app. We conducted a field study with seven participants on the University of Washington campus. The participants were given two scenarios and a series a tasks for using the RE camera with and without the iOS app. We consolidated our findings and presented to the HTC team.

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Gregory Bauwens
UX Designer | Product Designer Seattle, WA