Meaning Cube - This is a three day project in product semantic studies. The goal here was to design an interaction. To inspire the user to turn, squeeze, and rub the artifact.
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Meaning Cube - This is a three day project in product semantic studies. The goal here was to design an interaction. To inspire the user to turn, squeeze, and rub the artifact.
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Lea - This is also a study in product semantics, mainly form communication. Here I designed a tea kettle to inspire calmness and serenity, it is influenced by the tea leaf with subtle hints.
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Lea - This is also a study in product semantics, mainly form communication. Here I designed a tea kettle to inspire calmness and serenity, it is influenced by the tea leaf with subtle hints.
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Rise - This study in product semantics was geared towards user interaction and prioritization. The most frequently used button, and most demanded, was discovered to be the snooze button. The placement, shape, and orientation of all other interfaces became secondary, but still require a great understanding of interaction, sequence, frequency, and hierarchy.
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Rise - This study in product semantics was geared towards user interaction and prioritization. The most frequently used button, and most demanded, was discovered to be the snooze button. The placement, shape, and orientation of all other interfaces became secondary, but still require a great understanding of interaction, sequence, frequency, and hierarchy.
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Edge - This product was focused on simplicity of use through instinct and intuition.
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Semantic Design

These quick projects focused in on user interaction and design cues. Touch, sight, and function were driving influences. Working out how to create interaction between the user and an artifact is a key component to acceptable design.

Chad Griffith
Product Designer at GameTime Auburn, AL