View on Colour 27 - Taking Liberties: mask for the cover of the magazine and other objects fashioned from paper, freeing the Liberty print itself.
Functile - “The immediate effect of good decoration is to make the surface, somehow, more visible.” Susanne K. Langer, from Feeling and Form Tiles with magnets for optimal use of storage. Favorite things can be stored on the tiled wall, easy to grasp and nice to look at. Honorable mention at the 100%Design Show in London, September, 2004. Made in cooperation with industrial designer Elle Kunnos MDD
PET SHOP - The Pet Shop is the first in a series of a new store concept under the theme "Re-tale". Working with Re-tale, FRIDGEIRSDOTTIR_KUNNOS take a well known retail environment and merge it with a story. The design of the pets is based on the story about the animals from Lotsofloveistan, written by the duo. All the animals have their own caracter and history.
Sofus - A little soft sound player for children with Cerebral Palsy made to stimulate communication and tickle the fantasy. Each e-embroidered symbol represents different associations, different stories; from real sound to a song. Music made by composer Ása Briem.
VOLTER - Electric city car with a personal card through which you can load electricity from the training machines and get services, like parking space prospects in specific P-houses and autoservice.
Gudlaug Fridgeirsdottir
Industrial designer Copenhagen, Denmark