Custom Design - This project was assigned for teams of two to custom design a shoe for an individual person. Our task was to design a shoe which mirrored the person's tastes, enjoyments, and thier past experiences.
Research - A meeting was set up to meet the person we were designing for. During the meeting, we has a 'box of treasures' to use as a probe to research into what excited her about different materials and textures. The excerise revealed that Anne loves flowers, suade and leather, sequins, and glamorous occasions. Anne had a 1950's £5 note in her wedding shoe. Anne likes the intricate detail of embriodary. Anne used to aspire to be Audery Hepburn due to her glamour, style and fame.
Custom Shoe Design | Development - Sketch work was carried out through the ideation and development stages of the project.
Final Model - The final model had the following features incorporate into the design outcome: Suade material. Embrioded flowery detail. Printed 1950s £5 note in the inner sole. Sandal stlye shoe with an elegant gap to reveal a bit of skin to remind her of her youth. A small heal for comfort but with the feeling of glamour. A simple, elegant design which suited Anne's individual style, personality and past experiences.
Custom Design
Hannah Toes
Student Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, United Kingdom