Robotic Vacuum Cleaner - This was a project for a full-scale future vacuum cleaner. It involved creating a device that would take the responsibility of cleaning, thus creating free time. The battery-powered vacuum uses a radar sensor for sight and has an interface area for above ground cleaning. Vacuum uses a V-patterned beater bar to get into corners.

Wheelchair Bumper System - Developed a device that assists wheelchair users with daily life. Product is easy to attach/remove from wheelchair and assists with entering self closing doors. Prevents door from coming in contact with user and chair. Multiple prototypes made and tested. Product accepted for a US patent.

Computer Generated Work - Just some fun!

Underground Pipe Locator - One of 25 concepts submitted to client. Designed for ease of use and minimum amount of components. Model incorporated human factors (95% male 5% female). Final concept chosen by client for further consideration of production.

Point of Purchase Display Model - Model designed to demonstrate the qualities of client's plastics for their trade shows. Two of my final concepts were chosen for display. This model was shown at the client's 2002 trade show.