Oxymoron - All of the drawings are works for Five College Advanced Drawing seminar I took in Spring 2009.
Homeland - All of the drawings are works for Five College Advanced Drawing seminar I took in Spring 2009.
I need to speak out - All of the drawings are works for Five College Advanced Drawing seminar I took in Spring 2009.
Truth - All of the drawings are works for Five College Advanced Drawing seminar I took in Spring 2009.
We will not attach unless we are attacked - All of the drawings are works for Five College Advanced Drawing seminar I took in Spring 2009.
Defend Chairman Mao to dealth - All of the drawings are works for Five College Advanced Drawing seminar I took in Spring 2009.
Poverty is not socialist - All of the drawings are works for Five College Advanced Drawing seminar I took in Spring 2009.
Han Zhang
Hong Kong, Hong Kong