Kubs, the international brand for safety, security and paper shredding products, Notebook Cover, front and back.
Kubs, a famous international company known for security and paper shredding products proposed with a new stationary.
Radisson hotel - Promo item/Membership card - Mailers, menu cards, brochures, billboards and small print ads are always quite challenging to design for hotels. Above is the 'Radisson GRT Select Card' mailer for priveleged persons.
Suparna and Kelsa Solutions, India partnered together to present a unique workshop that combines modern business concepts on Change Management, including Spiral Dynamics, with wisdom from Indian Philosophy. A brochure, emailer, and other collaterals like letterpad, questionnaire etc., were created for this event held in 2013.
Shree Jewelry ads - They are print ads for the special Bridal Edition of Femina magazine (national women's magazine). Contemporary and traditional options in diamond design seemed apt for ads - A veritable chance to spoil the bride.
Shree Jewelry - Stationary - Buying jewelry in India is not a mere investment. It is also tagged with its purity, design and most importantly the auspiciousness of the place from which it is bought. Further, 'Temple of Gold' reflects the epitome of blessed beginning, 'Shree'.
Shree Jewelry launch ads - Series of launch ads in print, billboards, created for the new jewelry store, is located amongst 10-15 similar independent prominent shops in Chennai (Madras), India. The campaign became a huge success; indeed Shree struck gold!
Shree Jewelry - Pongal fest promo campaign - Imagine buying a gram gold sows you to win more gold at no cost! During Nov-Jan, gold-fest business soars and an attractive contest of valuing a displayed jewelry and winning it, beholds many! And it sure did reap client's business!
Neem (Henkel brand) toothpaste packaging - Known over the years, this herbal toothpaste from Henkel was re-launched with a new improved pack design. Nearly 200 odd pack designs was created before this final pack was chosen.
Neem toothpaste POP/Ads - Promotionals and POPs for Neem active toothpaste played along the lines that it is a hand down product for years within families. Sponsor of Ms.Beautiful Smile of Femina beauty pageant, it also gave more publicity to the product.
Neem toothpaste for children - Promos - To anchor the product into children's hearts, Twiggy' was introduced, Twiggy character enabled to pass on facts on dental care to children, through games, puzzles etc. Isn't he cute?
Neem toothpaste - Grin book/promo for children - Creating children's book, games or puzzles is always fun! Being one of the most attractive and creative assignment, I enjoyed every bit creating them as much the children loved playing them.
G4 ad for Apple - Print ads for the famous G4 from Apple for magazines. Two methods were published, one conventional and other unconventional. Obviously the 'Tour' was very popular as it laid out all details of what the new G4 was all about.
Sundaram Mutual Fund Brochures - Sundaram Mutual fund, a leading investment options firm, was given facelift from its old, including the logo and colors; a direct, clean, bold and friendly design and copy.
Sundaram Mutual Fund - POP (brochure holder) - A bag of choices to invest in six 'ideal' different ways were catered to the investor. To communicate to an ordinary man, a simple and comprehensible visual connotations and copy were laid out.
Sundaram Mutual Fund - Booth design for national fairs - Stall design for the annually held Mutual Fund fairs at Bombay and Chennai (9x18ft., 2002).The theme using most favorite sport, Cricket, to draw parallels with Mutual Funds became an eventful hit in the fairs.
Radiant Rule Book for adults (Handbook) - Who reads rules? Perhaps 10%. To solve the issue, adding snippets/illustrations to a boring diary ruled 'it' out. Targeted at youngsters, it became a successful and refreshing approach for the software training center, Radiant.
Radiant - The target being kids, the whole concept of learning computers is fun was the main theme in the launch ad series. The name and logo of the program 'Radiant Kindernet - Redefining Childhood' talks the rest.
Print Media & Packaging -II
Freelance, Full-time
Harini Subramanian
Creative & Art Director Oklahoma City, OK